
Private Land Protection

Local Government Environmental Protection Tools

On Friday, October 28th, 2022, the SCCA co-hosted a workshop on Revitalizing Local Government Environmental Protection Tools on the Lower Sunshine Coast. It was a really great brainstorming session about region-wide planning for environmental protection.

We are planning to host a follow-up strategic action planning session in early 2023 to hone in on specific, immediate actions we can take to support our long-term conservation goals. This will be done with the support of Organizing for Change and with a diverse representation of community stakeholders on the lower Sunshine Coast.

Land Trusts and Covenants 

“Land Trusts are non-profit, charitable organizations committed to the long- term protection of natural and/or cultural heritage of lands. A land trust may own land itself, or it may enter into conservation covenants with property owners to protect or restore natural or heritage features on the owner’s land.” Land Trust Alliance BC

In 2006, the SCCA decided to explore becoming a “Land Trust.”  The board and our Executive Director at the time felt that this could be a great opportunity for the SCCA to merge community desire to protect important private lands, with our mandate for the protection of biodiversity. We engaged with the Land Trust Alliance of BC for support in becoming a registered land trust organization and in 2008 we gained the right to hold conservation covenants under Section 219 of the Land Titles Act. 



Gambier Island

Our friends from the Gambier Island Conservancy approached us, hoping that we would consider joining with them in holding three more covenants on Gambier Island: Mt. Artaban Nature Reserve, Long Bay Nature Reserve and Brigade Bay Bluffs Nature Reserve

These reserves were under the control of the Islands Trust Fund, and the trust was interested in seeing that the three areas were protected and secured over the long term. We reviewed the three properties in question and agreed that they were indeed worthy of protection in perpetuity.

Our first task was to write up a memorandum of understanding with representatives of the Gambier Island Conservancy to describe our relationship and responsibilities in relation to the covenants. Subsequently, we worked with our partners to have baseline studies done, develop covenant agreements and management plans for the lands. In 2014 we finalized the agreements and formally protected the lands 

Every year, we are invited by our partners to participate in monitoring and restoration projects to ensure the ecological values of these lands are properly maintained. 

These two pictures are from a 2020 monitoring visit by the SCCA.
Photography by Suzanne Senger.


Block 7 Gospel Rock 

The SCCA has been working with the Friends of Gospel Rock Society to protect ecologically rare, environmentally sensitive lands in the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood area since 2004. As of March 30, 2022, we are delighted to announce that - after more than 35 years of community, non-profit, and local government effort - 16.6 acres of rare and sensitive forests on “Gospel Rock” are now permanently protected.

Gospel Rock has its own area in our website.

Gospel Rock, Sunshine Coast, BC, photographed by Carl Olsen.
Gospel Rock, Sunshine Coast, BC, photographed by Carl Olsen.

Keats Island 

Sandy Beach is a 3.4 ha stretch of Coastal Douglas-Fir forest on the southwest shoreline of Keats Island. With over 250 metres of sandy beachfront, the area provides habitat for threatened species including great blue heron, olive-sided flycatcher, and the little brown myotis bat. The beach also provides spawning habitat for surf smelt and Pacific sand lance.                                            

Sandy Beach was a part of the BC Baptist Churches ‘Keats Camp’ which has operated on the Island since 1926.  In 2020, the church transferred the land to the Island Trust Conservancy as part of a rezoning and subdivision application. Sandy Beach is the first formally protected parcel of land on Keats Island. 

The SCCA was invited by Islands Trust Conservancy and The Land Conservancy of BC to become a covenant partner on these lands. The process of establishing a conservation covenant and management plan to protect the property in perpetuity took decades since the idea was first conceived. On September 13, 2023, the three organizations celebrated the finalization of this conservancy.

O’Neill Estate - Rainfrog Sanctuary

In 2019, the SCCA's friend and benefactor Rick O'Neill, passed away, leaving the SCCAas the executor of his estate and heir to his property. We will be maintaining this property as a conservation area according to his wishes.

More information is coming on this project.


Updates on Private Land Protection

Celebrating protection of Sandy Beach Nature Reserve on Lheḵ’tines/ ́ Keats Island

By Alison Taylor | 9 November 2023

On September 13, 2023, the SCCA, Islands Trust Conservancy, The Land Conservancy of BC, and other partner organizations, celebrated a huge conservation win – the creation of Hoak-pus/Sandy Beach Nature Reserve on Keats Island.

Rare Forest at Gospel Rock Protected with New Conservation Convenant

By Alison Taylor | 30 March 2022

After more than 35 years of community, non-profit, and local government effort, 16.6 acres of rare and sensitive forests on “Gospel Rock” are now permanently protected. The Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA), The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC), Greenlane Homes, and the Town of Gibsons have announced the registration of a conservation covenant protecting […]

Unsanctioned Logging at Gospel Rock

By Alison Taylor | 26 March 2021

On December 31st, 2020 the SCCA was informed by citizens of Gibsons that trees had been cut down in the sensitive forest area on Gospel Rock, Block 7. We walked the property on January 2nd and 3rd, 2021 and documented a freshly cut swath of the sensitive ecosystem along the eastern edge of the property. […]

January 2021 Gospel Rock Update

By Alison Taylor | 10 January 2021

Dear Friends, On December 31st, 2020 the SCCA was informed by citizens of Gibsons that trees had been cut down in the sensitive forest area on Gospel Rock, Block 7. We walked the property on January 2nd and 3rd, 2021 and documented a freshly cut swath of the sensitive ecosystem along the eastern edge of […]

Gospel Rock Update

By Alison Taylor | 26 November 2020

The SCCA has been working with the Friends of Gospel Rock Society to protect ecologically rare and sensitive lands in the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood area since 2004. In 2018, the SCCA partnered with The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) to negotiate a conservation covenant with the Gospel Rock property owner, to forever protect the ecologically sensitive […]

Gospel Rock Covenant

By Alison Taylor | 8 June 2020

The SCCA has worked in partnership with the Friends of Gospel Rock Society (FOGRS) to secure protection of ecologically rare and sensitive lands in the Gospel Rock Neighbour Area since 2004. In 2013, The Town of Gibsons adopted the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan, which outlined its commitment to protect over 47% of Block 7, a […]

Gospel Rock Covenant

By Alison Taylor | 8 June 2020

The SCCA has worked in partnership with the Friends of Gospel Rock Society (FOGRS) to secure protection of ecologically rare and sensitive lands in the Gospel Rock Neighbour Area since 2004. In 2013, The Town of Gibsons adopted the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan, which outlined its commitment to protect over 47% of Block 7, a […]

SCCA Signs Covenant to Protect Gambier Reserves

By Alison Taylor | 1 December 2013

The Islands Trust Fund, owner of three nature reserves on Gambier Island, recently signed conservation covenants with the Gambier Island Conservancy and Sunshine Coast Conservation Association. The covenants legally commit all three organizations to share responsibility for safeguarding the reserves. The three reserves, spanning 150 hectares, provide a wildlife corridor stretching from the bluffs of […]

Conservation covenants: an important task for the SCCA

By Alison Taylor | 14 April 2012

by Jason Herz, SCCA Chair The SCCA was granted the right to hold conservation covenants under Section 219 of the Land Titles Act. In the fall of 2010, the Sunshine Coast Regional District inquired as to whether the SCCA would consider holding such a covenant on Cliff Gilker Park. The request was brought about by […]

Questions about Gospel Rock

By Alison Taylor | 24 June 2010

On June 18, 2010, SCCA Executive Director Dan Bouman emailed a list of questions to the Conservation Data Center. His email is here, and the answers he received are below.

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