The SCCA values diversity and is dedicated to an inclusive culture of belonging.
a) The personal information of individuals who join or work for the SCCA, make donations or correspond with the association shall not be shared more widely than is necessary.
b) The SCCA will ensure that personal information is well-maintained and not lost or stolen.
c) If any member or supporter does not wish to receive newsletters, updates, notices or other information, they may request to be omitted from any mailing list.
a) Confidential information is data that, if disclosed without authorization, could be prejudicial to the SCCA or anyone associated with the SCCA. This includes but is not limited to financial information not in the annual report; the minutes of board meetings; information about anyone who works for the SCCA; correspondence labelled as ‘private’ or ‘confidential’.
b) Board members and employees shall not transmit confidential information to volunteers, advisors or any other individual or organization without authorization from the executive director. The release of such information shall be on a need-to-know basis.
c) The need for confidentiality extends to any group or organization involved with the SCCA.
d) Anyone other than the executive director should not make public comments. Information requests from the media should be referred to the executive director.
e) All employees are required to read and sign a Declaration of Confidentiality form. A breach of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action which could include dismissal.
Conflict Resolution:
The SCCA is committed to providing a fair, consistent and timely process for resolving conflicts that arise within the organization. When a satisfactory resolution between parties to a conflict cannot be reached directly, the following dispute resolution procedure shall be used:
a) A complaint may be made to the board outlining the conflict. The complaint must be made within ten calendar days of the latest episode of the conflict.
b) The board will request submissions from all of the involved parties (including witnesses, where applicable), conduct an investigation and set up a meeting with the complainant within ten calendar days of receiving the letter of complaint.
c) After considering all the information, the board will provide a decision, in writing, to all of the involved parties within seven calendar days of the meeting.
d) If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, they have seven calendar days to appeal to the executive director unless the executive director is the subject of the complaint.
e) After considering an appeal, the executor director may speak to the board on behalf of the complainant. If the executive director has agreed to speak to the board, they will report back to the complainant within seven calendar days.
Employment Equity:
The SCCA shall provide equal opportunity in all aspects of its recruitment and employment. This includes the hiring, compensation, promotion, training and development. Employment decisions will be based on job-related knowledge, qualifications and abilities without discrimination related to gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status.
a) All policies and practices will be monitored to ensure that diversity is valued and that there are no systemic barriers that prevent equality of opportunity for all people. Suitable training will be available for those involved in the recruitment, hiring, and promotion of employees.
b) All notices of employment vacancies and advertisements for employment shall include a statement that the SCCA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
c) All board members and employees have a responsibility to identify and eliminate any actions or attitudes that are contrary to the spirit of this policy.
Hiring Policy:
The executive director in consultation with the board will determine when there is a need to fill or create a position.The executive director will be responsible for hiring staff, subject to board approval. The responsibility of the executive director will be as follows:
a) Generate a job posting for the position
b) Advertise in one or more suitable locations
c) Review and short-list the suitable applicants
d) Plan the interview format and interview questions
e) Conduct a minimum of three reference checks for selected candidate(s)
f) Maintain applicant confidentiality and privacy
g) Make a hiring decision and seek approval from the board
Within seven calendar days the SCCA shall give the successful candidate a written offer outlining the requirements, start date, salary, benefits and any other conditions of employment.
Successful candidates will be posted on the SCCA site. The SCCA will maintain hiring records for job competitions.
Harassment and Bullying:
The SCCA is committed to a work environment in which employees and volunteers are treated with respect and are free of harassment and bullying. Harassment and bullying are defined as a pattern of objectionable conduct or comments which serve no legitimate work purpose and create an intimidating, humiliating, hostile or offensive work environment. Nothing in this policy shall restrict an employee's right to file a complaint with the B.C. Council of Human Rights or the police. The name of the complainant or circumstances of the complaint will only be disclosed when it is necessary for the purpose of investigating the complaint.
a) The person who feels they are being harassed or bullied is encouraged to advise the alleged harasser that such conduct is unwelcome, is a breach of policy and must immediately stop. A written record should be kept of the behaviour(s) in question as well as the efforts which have been made by the complainant to solve the problem.
b) If the behaviour does not stop or if the person chooses not to approach the harasser, the alleged incidents(s) should be reported in writing to the executive director within one month of the most recent occurrence.
c) The executive director will investigate the complaint without undue delay by interviewing the complainant, the alleged harasser, and any potential witnesses.
d) The executive director will carefully document the results of the investigation.
e) Both the complainant and the respondent shall be given the option of having representation present at any meeting held pursuant to the investigation.
f) If the alleged harasser is the executive director, the complaint shall be presented to the board of directors, which will conduct the investigation.
g) A decision will be made within seven calendar days of the completion of the investigation. If the complaint is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will follow. If the harasser is a staff member, disciplinary action could include a disciplinary letter on the employee's file, a suspension without pay or the termination of the harasser's employment with the SCCA.
h) If the complaint is not substantiated and it is determined that the complainant deliberately made a false accusation disciplinary action will be taken against the complainant.
i) All parties consulted will treat the matter in confidence. If the executive director feels it is necessary, however, they may consult with the board of directors.
j) Proven allegations of personal harassment and bullying, including disciplinary action taken, shall be documented and form part of the harasser’s permanent record.
k) In the event of harassment or bullying on the job, perpetrated by a person outside of the SCCA, every reasonable effort will be made to protect the well-being of the member.
Professional Development:
The SCCA will encourage and enable board members, staff and volunteers to maintain and
develop relevant skills on their own and, where possible, with the assistance of the SCCA.
a) When the SCCA requires someone to attend a specified training session that is not covered through grant funding the board will approve associated costs such as registration, travel and accommodation.
b) Funds for professional development should be administered by the executive director.
Policies and Procedures Manual. Sunshine Coast Conservation Association. Box 1969, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0.
For more information, please contact
Revised November, 2023