Input sought on Old Growth Management Areas

The Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, is seeking your input on establishing Old Growth Management Areas on the Sunshine Coast in the following Landscape Units.

  • The Homfray Landscape Unit (2,802 hectares) is on the east side of Homfray Channel and the southeast side of Toba Inlet.
  • The Jervis Landscape Unit (4,479 hectares) on the east and north sides of Jervis Inlet.
  • The Quatam Landscape Unit (2,971 hectares) on the north side of Pryce Channel and east side of Toba Inlet.
  • The Salmon Inlet Landscape Unit (4,434 hectares) north and south sides of Salmon Inlet.
  • The Southgate Landscape Unit (3,212 Hectares) northeast of Bute Inlet and southwest of Chilko Lake.

Go to this link for the bulletin and direction to the maps and background on the locations.

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