Goat Winter Range Protected
The SCCA has helped protect 36,825 hectares of Mountain Goat Winter Range in the Sunshine Coast Forest District from logging. An order was issued by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in May 2012. You can download a map of these lands from the Ministry's website. (The illustration at right is a detail from the map.)
The SCCA became aware in 1999 that a large number of logging approvals had been granted in many of our region's goat winter ranges. These are areas that provide food and shelter for goats under all winter conditions. A complaint was filed with the Forest Practices Board. Their finding in 2002 was that the Ministry of Forest had been unreasonable and that logging plans had been inappropriately approved.
The SCCA also filed a successful complaint against International Forest Products with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative over their winter range logging plans and other biodiversity issues. These and other actions brought winter range logging to a halt and now formal protection is in place.
There's more to this story which we will cover in an upcoming newsletter. For now, we just want to say THANK YOU for your support and patience over the last 13 years while we worked to resolve this issue.
In this Section
- Forestry Land Use Overview
- 2023: Sunshine Coast Forest Landscape Planning Pilot Project (FLP)
- 2023-09-18 SCCA-ECA Premier Ltr. Mt. E Watershed Logging
- 2023-09-15: SCCA_ECA esponse to BCTS Final Polar Report MtE.South Watershed Assessment
- 2023-06-29: MOF response to SCCS-MSTS TSR Comments
- 2023-03: SCCA-ECA comments on BCTS Mt. Elphinstone Phase 1&2 Hydrology Study
- 2023-05-01: SCCA-MSTS Timber Supply Review (TSR) Submission
- 2022-03-18 SCCA Submission on BC Timber Sales (BCTS) 22-26 Operating Plans
- 2022 Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Review (TSR) Data Package
- 2022 SCCA Comments on BC Watershed Security Strategy and Fund
- 2021 Visual Quality Objectives (VQO)
- 2021 shishalh-BC Land Use Plan
- 2016 Ungulate (Goat) Winter Range
- 2015-2021 Changes to Environmental Laws in BC
- 2012 Forest Stewardship Plans
- 2008 Strategic Land Use Planning
- 2004 Landscape Unit Planning
- 2001 Timber Supply Review (TSR) AnalysisÂ