2021: shishalh Land Use Plan
Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) response to shíshálh-B.C. Land Use Planning Phase 1-Public Questionnaire
Section 1: Relationship to the swiya
The word swiya describes the lands that shíshálh Nation has occupied and utilized since time immemorial. The swiya extends from xwésám (Roberts Creek) in the southeast to the height of land located north of xénichen (head of Queen’s Reach) in the north, kwékwenis (Lang Bay) to the west and spílksen (Texada Island) to the south. Click here to see map of swiya.
- What is your relationship to the swiya? (Select all that apply)
- a) Full-time resident – YES
- b) Part-time resident – YES
- c) Work in the Swiya – YES
- d) Own or operate business in the Swiya – YES
- e) Regular visitor (more than twice a year) – YES
- f) Occasional visitor (twice a year or less)
- g) Recreational use – YES
- h) Indigenous cultural activities/practices
Thank you for inviting the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) to participate in Phase One of the shíshálh-BC Land Use Plan. We are pleased to see this planning process moving forward and we have high hopes for what may be achieved for biodiversity conservation, drinking watershed protection, shared stewardship and reconciliation in the shíshálh swiya.
The SCCA is a registered federal charity and BC non-profit society. Our mandate is to preserve the natural biodiversity of the Sunshine Coast region. Our full area of interest includes over two million hectares of coastal temperate rainforest in the Sunshine Coast Natural Resource District, including the 514,520-hectare shíshálh swiya area.
For nearly 30 years, the SCCA has developed and supported campaigns to preserve lands, waters, fish and wildlife on the Sunshine Coast. Our association was created by people from all over the swiya who had participated in provincial land use planning processes in the 1990s.
Since then, we have worked to preserve dwindling lower to mid-elevation old growth forests, ungulate winter ranges and the nesting habitat of the Marbled Murrelet. Fisheries habitat protection is an important concern for us, and we have worked hard to protect watersheds needed for community water supply. Participating in Timber Supply Reviews (TSR), the BC Protected Areas Strategy, Forest Development Plan (FDP) reviews and Landscape Unit Plan (LUP) reviews has also shaped our views of what is happening in the swiya.
More broadly speaking, the SCCA pursues its mission through liaison with various levels of government and outreach to other environmental groups and to the public. Public education is a priority for us, and we often teach others about advocacy skills and provide sources of information.
The SCCA has supported the shíshálh- SCRD Joint Watershed Management Agreement and we were pleased to be consulted on and support the 2007 1st draft of the shíshálh Strategic Land Use Plan. We appreciate the shíshálh Nation’s invitation to participate in this planning process and we have reviewed the foundational and historic information provided to us to inform our understanding and support our comments.
Section 2: Interests in the swiya
The land use plan will articulate a shared vision for the stewardship of land and resources in the swiya and provide clear management direction on the following initial planning themes: ● Biodiversity;
- Watershed integrity;
- Resources important to shíshálh culture; and
- Sustainable economic development.
- How important are the following items to you when considering land and resource management in the swiya? (For each choice, indicate level of importance on scale below)
Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important I Don’t Know
- a) Non-commercial hunting, harvesting and/or fishing opportunities Important b) Motorized recreational access Somewhat Important
- c) Non-motorized recreational access Very Important
- d) Mitigation and adaptation to climate change Very Important
- e) Cultural use areas and sites Very Important
- f) Economic development opportunities Somewhat Important
- g) Terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and habitats Very Important
- h) Species and Ecosystems at Risk Very Important
- i) Water quality and/or supply Very Important
- j) Collaborative land and resource management Very Important
Other important items when considering land and resource management in the swiya? (Please specify and indicate level of importance):
Biodiversity Protection Very Important
More worrisome than any individual species, is the small amount of land in the swiya that is designated for general biodiversity protection. Landscape Unit Plans are intended to account for general biological diversity. In our opinion, there is an urgent need to review the effectiveness of these plans. We note that the Forest Practices Board has published on this subject.
Species-at-risk Very Important
Regarding other species-at-risk, the fate of the Marbled Murrelet is a major concern. The cause of its decline is logging in the bird’s nesting habitat. There are several Federal-Provincial agreements in place about this and a draft implementation plan has been the subject of a final public review. We expect this plan will be authorized by the Province very soon. We hope this plan will be incorporated into the swiya planning process.
Other species-at-risk include tailed frog, red-legged frog and northern goshawk (and others). This last species is also subject to a Provincial implementation plan. There are no Wildlife Habitat Area designations for these two frog species. Please note that the steep fast running cold creeks of Mount Elphinstone are a significant stronghold of the tailed frog.
Deer Winter Range Very Important
The issue of mountain goat winter range protection is mostly resolved (SC MGRW Plan, 2013). However, protection for black tailed deer winter ranges is still uncertain even though protection of such lands is a traditional obligation of forest management. It appears to us that many traditional winter ranges have been clear cut and that there are few opportunities to designate new winter ranges. If there is to be a future for black tailed deer in the swiya, it seems clear that some lands from the Timber Harvesting Land Base (THLB) will be needed for designation.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Very Important
The Chapman/Gray watershed is the single largest source of potable water in the swiya with approximately 23,000 people depending on this source. The Chapman watershed is highly unstable. Over 300 logging related slides occurred in this watershed before 1995 and there have been major slides since then as well. We note that water quality plummeted in the Gray Creek watershed after heavy logging in the 1970s and 1980s. Tuwanek, Tillicum Bay and Sandy Hook had to be taken off the Gray Creek water system but after a logging hiatus of 30 years, water quality, quantity and timing of flows are improving, and Gray Creek is again integral to our public water supply system. And, for the first time in many years Coho have returned to Gray Creek.
There is a very strong consensus in the public realm that the Chapman/Gray watershed should be protected against any further use by logging companies. We note with appreciation that the shíshálh 2007 draft Strategic Land Use Plan called for the removal of all licenses to-cut in the Chapman/Gray community watershed. It could be that the time to settle the issue of industrial use in the Chapman/Gray watershed, once and for all, is close at hand.
The SCCA is also very supportive of the Sunshine Coast Regional District’s groundwater investigation project to diversify drinking water sources. Local government efforts to map, monitor and protect local aquifers and their forest block Recharge Areas will be crucial for ensuring long-term, sustainable drinking water supply for the Sunshine Coast.
Old Growth and Climate Change Very Important
Conservation and restoration of forests is a critical part of reducing our carbon footprint. However, Forest Carbon Emissions are not yet accurately accounted for in BC. The assumption that new forests regenerating on harvested lands will quickly reabsorb enough carbon dioxide to offset emissions created through extraction, soil disturbance, waste, transportation and manufacturing is a false premise. In highly productive lower elevation zones (i.e. CWHdm and CWHxm), newly regenerating forests may take 50 years to reabsorb carbon emissions from logging, if we avoid cutting them down while they are at peak fiber production (carbon uptake).
Higher elevation forests (i.e. MH and CWHvm) grow in very harsh conditions where regeneration is abundant, but growth is very slow. As well, these forests have very low-disturbance regimes that cannot produce harvestable stands within the normal planning horizon, so logging in these zones is not sustainable. Old Growth forests that have accumulated volume over hundreds of years have established carbon sinks that can’t be replaced once lost. Protection of remaining old growth forests to ensure sequestered carbon is not released into the atmosphere should be an urgent priority in addressing the climate crisis.
Section 3: Process Values and Opportunities
shíshálh Nation and the B.C. government are committed to true, lasting reconciliation through a renewed government-to-government relationship based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership. As we shift to a more shared stewardship approach to managing natural resources in the swiya, a set of shared values guide our work.
- Of the following planning process values to guide our work, how important is each to you? (For each choice, indicate level of importance on scale below)
Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important I Don’t Know
- a) Transparent- summarized results of engagement will be reported out - Very Important b) Inclusive- all interested parties are provided with opportunities to participate- Very Important
- c) Respectful- recognizing that viewpoints, interests and values of others have merit - Very Important
- d) Timely- efficient planning process - Somewhat Important
- e) Synergies- embrace opportunities for coordinating with other related initiatives when/where appropriate to do so - Important
- f) Evidence-based- decisions are made based on current and ongoing understandings, drawing from data/research available for the swiya- Very Important
- g) Adaptive- decisions are adapted based on ongoing research and monitoring - Very Important
- h) Holistic- consider a broad range of available information sources to support key planning themes and recognize their interconnectivity - Very Important
- i) Balanced- decisions consider a balancing of cultural, environmental and economic values - Very Important
Other planning process values to guide our work and how important is each to you? (Please specify and indicate level of importance):
Timely Process Somewhat Important
It is important that the planning process allow sufficient time for full discussion of issues by all parties, rather than rushing to completion.
Evidence Based Decision Making Very Important
Evidence-based decision making is critical to the success of this process. We note that certain publicly available information is significantly out of date and needs to be improved. E.g., timber supply depletion, wildlife populations, effects of climate change on growth and yield models etc.
The Province’s Biogeoclimatic Ecological Classification (BEC) system is essential for understanding the true condition of the forests in the swiya. Examining the range of forest age classes in each BEC subzone of each Landscape Unit can tell us a great deal about where economic opportunities exist and conservation is needed, and where the pace of logging needs to be slowed down to protect forestry-sensitive species and ecosystems. Of course, we need to have updated current inventory information in order to be successful.
Another excellent source of information is the Province’s Forest Practices Board (FPB). The FPB investigates compliance with the law and also assesses whether or not the law itself adequately protects forest values. There have been numerous complaints to the FPB from Sunshine Coast residents and several Special Investigations and audits conducted here which should be considered through planning.
- As we plan for the future of the swiya, what opportunities do you see in this planning process? (Please describe):
Once upon a time the ecosystems of the swiya supported uncounted generations of wealthy shíshálh societies and very nearly as many people as inhabit the swiya today. Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s Sunshine Coasters did not experience starvation due to the abundance the swiya provided. Sadly, younger generations have little or no experience of this abundance. Holistic, modernized landscape planning creates an opportunity to plan for long-term ecological restoration, to regain natural abundance in the swiya for future generations.
Understanding the Condition of the Landscape
We see an opportunity with this process to fill information gaps needed to assess the current condition of the lands and resources in the swiya to support evidence-based decision making. This includes updating forest resource inventory and growth and yield modelling to better define the scope of opportunity and/or restrictions that must be established to ensure long-term health and sustainability of our forests.
Forest Management Policy
A main problem lies with the fact that Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) dictates that timber supply takes precedence over any other value. In the case of community watersheds, for example, the goal of government is to protect human health, public infrastructure, etc., but only to the extent that “…the flow of timber from BC’s forests is not unduly reduced.” Over time, policies of maximizing timber supply have resulted in timber supply fall-down and a corresponding decline in employment, revenues, investment, drinking water quality etc. The consequences of too much timber harvesting cannot be overestimated. We see this planning as an opportunity to address the ongoing negative consequences of managing the land base for timber extraction above all other values and the imminent need for change.
Improved Landscape Unit Planning
Landscape Unit Planning is a conceptually sound approach to managing for biological diversity. Unfortunately, the percentages of forest lands that are protected in this process are very small in most landscapes. The result is a scattered collection of small unconnected un-loggable fragments that do not capture the diversity of BC’s forest ecosystems.
The BC Forest Practices Board has recommended review of Landscape Unit Plan results and policies as did the province’s Old Growth Review Panel (2020). Our recent assessments of the Chapman and Sechelt Landscape Unit Plans also indicate that Landscape Unit Planning needs to be revisited. The planning units are already designated and would allow timely reviews of the most impacted ecosystems comprising the swiya. Our hope for the planning process is that it will take a serious look at Landscape Unit Plans and improve them.
Notably, Landscape Unit Plans, properly backed by science, current and accurate inventories and forest sustainability regulations, could provide us with a detailed picture of the true condition of coastal forests in terms of age classes and ecosystems. We hope planners in this process will pay close attention to the information provided in Landscape Unit Plans.
Community Watershed Protection
Conservation and protection of community water supply ecosystems has been a primary goal for residents of the swiya for 50 years and recent long-term studies indicate that resource extraction is not compatible in watersheds where community water supply is a primary consideration. Special consideration should be given through land use planning to re-evaluate community watersheds for timber supply.
Shared Values and Priorities
Through this process a land use plan may be created that is co-managed with equal authority of the provincial and indigenous governments, advised and supported by a representative cross section of the public. A community advisory body could be established to provide information and perspectives over time to government and indigenous leadership in regard to the implementation and monitoring of the plan. This would help ensure the public feels included in the planning process and supports its outcomes.
Section 4: Goals and Outcomes
The shíshálh Nation and the Province of British Columbia acknowledge that the development of a joint land use plan for the swiya would be of mutual benefit, advance reconciliation, advance collaborative management and contribute to predictability for all those living in the shíshálh swiya.
This joint land use planning process will allow shíshálh Nation and the B.C. government to make progress on their Foundation Agreement goals of:
- Shared stewardship of the swiya;
- Creating economic prosperity for shíshálh people and those choosing to live, work and play within the swiya;
- Protecting cultural sites;
- Revitalizing shíshálh culture and language; and
- Strengthening shíshálh self-government
- What goals or outcomes would you like to see the Land Use Planning process advance? (Please describe):
Some of the outcomes we would like to see advance from the Land Use Planning process include:
- Identification of priority conservation areas and values to ensure we can meet the biodiversity maintenance and recovery objectives for the area.
- Updated forest inventory, with realistic growth and yield predictions and complete, functional landscape unit plans.
- Community water supply protection plan and management strategies established; drinking watersheds appropriately protected for water quality, quantity and timing of flows to ensure supply is available to those who depend on it (including fish and wildlife).
- Threatened and endangered species habitats documented and afforded levels of conservation/management that help recover these species over time.
- Enhanced protection of old growth and mature forest stands to accommodate long term re-establishment of old growth ecosystems and carbon sequestration across the swiya.
- Additional protected areas to adequately represent all BEC and ecosection zones in the plan area.
- A wildlife recovery plan including designation of areas to be maintained and/or restored for deer winter range and an elk management plan.
- Herring and salmon recovery plans that define necessary habitat protection and restoration for salmon habitat and to re-establish herring populations.
- Explore opportunities to restore historic fisheries produced by the Tzoonie, Deserted, Skwawka, Britain, Lois and Vancouver river systems.
- Marine Protected Areas in the swiya inlet matrix as well as the Salish Sea within the swiya, to protect marine values including eelgrass, forage fish, bivalves, shellfish, marine mammals, glass sponge reefs, etc.
- A Recreational Use plan.
Section 5: Planning Scope
The shíshálh-BC Land Use Planning Table welcomes input from stakeholders and the public as the parties work toward co-developing a draft Land Use Plan for lands in the swiya by October 4, 2023, focusing on the following initial planning themes:
- Biodiversity;
- Watershed integrity;
- shíshálh culture; and
- Sustainable economic development.
The draft shíshálh-B.C. Land Use Plan could produce outputs such as:
- Land Use Zones (i.e., conservation areas, cultural emphasis areas, and integrated stewardship areas);
- Management Direction & Goals (for planning theme values);
- Legal Land Use Designations & Objectives (i.e., Wildlife Habitat Areas, Cultural Values Protection); and
- Priority Actions: Projects & Tasks.
- Do you have any concerns regarding broad scale land use planning for the swiya? (Please describe):
The SCCA congratulates both the shíshálh government and the government of BC for finally moving forward with this planning process. We sincerely hope that the creators of this process will have learned from the failures and successes of other BC land use experiences.
The SCCA has been waiting since the early 1990s to participate in a land use planning process for the Sunshine Coast Natural Resource District, of which the shíshálh swiya is a significant part. Previous BC governments promised to convene an inclusive land use plan for the Sunshine Coast, yet never followed through. In the meantime, the biodiversity of the forests and waters in the swiya have been significantly compromised and opportunities for citizen involvement in the management of the forest have been diminished. We have watched the province consistently make decisions about land uses here with virtually no meaningful input from most local citizens. As a result, we are understandably cautious about putting our faith in planning processes.
However, on an optimistic note, we understand that the shíshálh government created their land use plan in 2007 for the swiya through a rigorous process, having professional consultants prepare the draft, refining the initial documents through internal adaptations and vetting it through broad nation consultation before formalizing the final document. Therefore, we are encouraged that this time the land use process will be appropriately and fairly managed.
Baseline Information
A key concern is that the Foundation Agreement's baseline information may be based on old, unreliable and over-manipulated inventory and increasingly unacceptable management assumptions. A draft Land Use Plan for lands within the swiya must be based on current, comprehensive information and careful consideration of the short, mid and long-term implications of resource extraction.
Science (Indigenous and Western)
It is not unusual to hear process proponents elsewhere tout the claim that planning work will rest on a firm base of science. This claim is often exaggerated or lost through economic politics. It’s clear that the forest and fish resources in the Swiya have drastically diminished from historical levels. Thus, the opportunities to log, fish and hunt economically and sustainably, to recreate in natural forests, and return to a healthy biodiversity matrix has been deeply compromised. The western science of timber supply analysis consists of “proving” with outdated information and complex rationales that ongoing and ever increasing risks to biodiversity and ecosystem services don’t exist. e.g., Timber supply is predicted to have short, mid and long-term supply horizons, but the mid-term supply in the swiya has already been logged or is about to be logged in the short term.
Timber Supply vs Other Values
Timber supply considerations have greatly impacted the quality and extent of “other” forest products: clean water, abundant wildlife and fisheries and stable climate in the swiya. “Timber supply” and growth and yield predictions based on questionable assumptions, complicated modelling and old data is the only inventory currently being maintained by the province. The liquidation of other forest resources also includes future timber supplies, as increasingly immature stands are logged to subsidize the current allowable annual cut (AAC) modelled in successive timber supply reviews.
Historical wildlife habitat inventories, recreational inventories and community watersheds have been systematically undervalued to maintain an unsustainable AAC. E.g., It took nearly 15 years to designate Goat Winter Ranges. Deer winter range has been studied in the swiya since 1974, but to this day the last of the known historical winter range leave areas are included in the contributing forest land base and are being liquidated, while remnant black tailed deer populations live in close proximity to residents' gardens for winter browse.
A deep concern is that the shíshálh-BC Foundation Agreement already fetters shíshálh from advocating for necessary changes to “forest development plans” and “operational” approvals.
- Reflecting on your concern(s), do you have suggestions for how those concerns could be addressed? (Please describe):
Given this positive start to shared land use planning by the joint leadership, we have the following suggestions for how our concerns may be addressed:
Public Participation
If the two governments wish to receive the full range of public input into the planning exercise, we trust that every effort will be made to include representatives of all sectors willing to participate. Rather than only receiving occasional input and informing the public and stakeholders as the process proceeds, we suggest that you structure and regularly convene an advisory table including local governments, sectoral representatives and local media.
Given our concerns about being shut out of land use planning processes and governmental and industrial management on the Sunshine Coast, we suggest that the advisory table be informed about subjects under discussion as the process proceeds so that public input can be provided prior to decisions being taken. This will go a long way to diminish the current alienation that many coasters feel concerning the management of the ecosystem.
We are concerned that the planning process includes all relevant issues and not be rushed. The SCCA realizes that it takes time to identify all concerns, to properly air and discuss options and reach decisions. The time frame should be sufficiently clear and flexible to achieve a solid and supported agreement.
Involvement in planning exercises can require significant time and effort by public and sectoral participants, not just by governmental representatives. Whereas participant funding is often difficult to achieve, we expect there will be a sincere effort to cover participant expenses.
shíshálh Strategic Land Use Plan of 2007
The SCCA was encouraged by the objectives of the 2007 shíshálh land use plan. We urge the current planning process to follow this tack by adopting a restoration process for the land base, which means pursuing a holistic approach for the benefit of future generations and for economic development. This would mean instituting new eco forestry methods of forest management, and intensified stream restoration requirements.
Baseline Information
Up to date baseline information and data about lands and resources is essential to informing public input and achieving the goal of a sustainable “holistic” Land Use Plan for those living, working and playing in the swiya. Communicating the intent to ensure use of up-to-date information and sharing this information with the public in a timely way will help alleviate concerns and build support for planning objectives and outcomes.
Cumulative Effects Assessment
Historically, land management planning and practices have neglected to adequately address cumulative impacts of residential, commercial and industrial development on the capacity of ecosystems to sustain themselves and us. We are pleased that this planning process will include some type of Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA). We would like to have input into the specific value components to be used in the CEA. As well, we feel it is important for stakeholders to have access to data sets used in the assessment and to receive the results of CEA analysis early on in the planning process as this will help inform our understanding and our input.
Landscape Unit Planning
The 1999 Landscape Unit Planning in the swiya must be reviewed. The plans are out of date and were preliminary. Twenty years have passed, and logging has been ongoing in the swiya, but new research to better guide decision making is now available. The landscape unit level of planning has an ecological basis and is the best scale to inform timber supply analysis. Community water supplies, old growth and mature retention plans should be evaluated at the landscape level as well as for the protection of deer ranges. What remains of the historical ranges needs to be mapped and protected and adjacent high-quality habitat recruited to fill in the gaps over time. Existing habitat in the contributing timber harvesting land base will need to be protected.
The Allowable Annual Cut (AAC)
On reviewing the Foundation Agreement, the SCCA is concerned about the language around the Timber Volume Agreement and Allowable Annual Cut (AAC). Whereas we are pleased that there is agreement to increase the shíshálh share of the logging activity within the swiya, we are very concerned about the AAC component of this agreement.
Regular re-determination of AAC is required to ensure current information and knowledge are incorporated. And, greater frequency is required where projections of short-term timber supply are not the same as existing conditions and where substantial changes in information and management are occurring, such as with the Foundation Agreement. We also recommend that the planning process address unsustainable industrial logging practices which result in downfall of forest health and merchantable timber supply, and ensure volume targets may be achieved through sustainable logging practices.
Legal Land Use Designations
The current provincial parks and protected area quantum at recent count is approximately 15.1%. The protected areas designation within the swiya is about 3%. This is blatantly unsustainable over time. We recommend that the plan for the swiya protect representative components of all biogeoclimatic zones and subzones and ecosections within its borders, adopting the current Canadian government’s goal of 30% protection.
Whereas Old Growth Management Areas, Wildlife Habitat Areas, deer and goat winter range and species at risk and other land designations must also be fully considered, it is critical that the process undertake legal designation of areas where industrial activity is permanently prohibited. We also recommend that the process consider the federal government and northern Nation’s processes to create protected areas and honour traditional cultural and land use practices.
Parks Management
We are concerned about the long-term practices of the BC government in managing its non-parks forests based principally on timber extraction. We see the value in the planning exercise to balance the non-extractive uses of the forest with extractive uses. Traditional cultural practices, community watershed protection, fisheries protection, salal, mushroom, berry and medicinals harvesting, recreation activities like biking, hiking, skiing, etc. should all be seriously considered in management plans. Of particular urgency, given what we now know all industrial activity in the Chapman and Gray Creek community watersheds should permanently cease.
Marine Protected Areas and Habitat Restoration
Marine and freshwater habitat is seriously under protected by current management practices by both the provincial and federal governments. Restoration of spawning stream and nearshore habitats to historical levels should be dealt with and Marine Protected Areas and or OEACMs considered for the swiya inlet matrix as well as the Salish Sea within the swiya.
Climate Change
All ecosystems everywhere are coming under threat as climate change increasingly changes traditional dynamics of flora and fauna interactions. Here on the Coast, forests and waters must be managed with an eye to these now unmistakable changes which will affect logging, hunting, fishing, water supply, agriculture, etc. We recommend that the planning process incorporate the latest scientific modelling regarding the impacts of climate change and benefits of carbon sequestration for this region and prepare its plans accordingly.
Section 6: Planning Process
Engagement with stakeholders and the public will occur at key planning stages to ensure local interests and priorities are identified and considered in the land use planning process. Click here to see a diagram of engagement opportunities by planning stage.
There will be opportunities to provide input at each phase of the planning process. During each phase we will keep you informed and report back on the results of the previous phase of engagement.
- What would you like to know more about to support your understanding of this land use planning process? (Select all that apply)
- What the Land Use Plan will do - YES
- The process and opportunities for participation - YES
- How this Land Use Planning process relates to other provincial initiatives in and/or adjacent to the Swiya - YES
- Baseline information and/or data about lands and resources in the swiya - YES e. How lands and resources in the swiya are managed now - YES
- The shíshálh-BC Foundation Agreement- YES
- Other (Please specify):
Other information
The Minister of Forests Lands, Natural Resource Operation and Rural Development's 2017 Letter of Expectation to Chief Forester Diane Nicholls specified the objectives of the BC government to be considered when determining an AAC for land use planning, cumulative effects and climate change. The letter provides the guidance that:
“In order to ensure that AAC determinations align with government objectives to modernize land-use planning and sustainably manage B.C.’s ecosystems, rivers, lakes, watersheds, forests and old growth forests, the Timber Supply Review process should incorporate the best available information on climate change and the cumulative effects of multiple activities on the land base. Management options that align with established climate change strategies, adaptation and mitigation practices should be explored. Where the cumulative effects of timber harvesting and other land-based activities indicate a risk to natural resource values, the process should identify those risks for consideration in land-use planning.”
The most recent Sunshine Coast Natural Resource District Timber Supply Review was initiated in 2011. We would like to know if the shíshálh-BC Foundation Agreement negotiations baseline information incorporated information on climate change and the cumulative effects of multiple activities on the land base? If so, were these factors considered during negotiations with regard to revenue sharing? If not, how will these considerations affect the ability of the provincial government to fulfil its obligation under the Foundation Agreement to issue replaceable tenures to shíshálh Nation, or entities owned or controlled by shíshálh Nation, of 210,000 cubic meters, representing approximately 35% of the allowable annual cut within the shíshálh swiya?
Section 7: Demographics
These optional demographic questions help us understand who we have reached in this engagement and will help us target future engagement.
- Optional: What community are you a part of? (Select all that apply)
The SCCA represents members in the following communities
- a) Port Mellon - YES b) Gambier Island - YES c) Hopkins Landing -YES d) Gibsons - YES
- e) Roberts Creek - YES f) Sechelt – YES
- g) Halfmoon Bay – YES h) Madeira Park– YES i) Garden Bay– YES j) Pender Harbour – YES k) Irvines Landing
- l) Earls Cove
- m) Egmont – YES
- n) Powell River– YES
- o) Wilson Creek – YES
- p) shíshálh Nation
- q) Tla’amin Nation
- r) Skwxwu7mesh/Squamish Nation
- s) Other community on the Sunshine Coast (Please
specify): West Howe Sound, Elphinstone, Tuwanek, – YES t) Other community off the Sunshine Coast
- Optional: Which of the following categories best describe the industry you primarily work in?
Members of the SCCA Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and members work in the following industries:
- n) Finance and Insurance YES
- o) Art and/or Entertainment YES
- p) Public Service YES
- q) Administration and/or
Business Support YES
- r) Real Estate YES
- s) Transportation and/or
Warehousing YES
- t) Utilities
- u) Legal services YES
- v) Student YES
- w) Retired - YES
- x) Homemaker YES
- y) Prefer not to say
- z) Other: NON-PROFIT - YES
- a) Recreation and Tourism - YES b) Hospitality YES
- c) Agriculture YES
- d) Fishing and/or Hunting YES e) Forestry YES
- f) Mining
- g) Manufacturing
- h) Construction and/or Design YES
- i) Environmental Services - YES j) Retail and/or Wholesale Trade YES
- k) Information and/or
Technology YES
- l) Education - YES
- m) Health and/or Social
Assistance YES
Thank you for providing us the opportunity to engage in Phase 1 of this process. We look forward to receiving the Phase 1 Engagement Summary once it’s complete and to participating in the next phases of this process.
Lee Ann Johnson, SCCA Board Chair
Suzanne Senger, SCCA Executive Director
Daniel Bouman, SCCA Board Director and Terrestrial Committee Chair
William Wareham, SCCA Board Director and Marine Committee Chair
Linda Williams, SCCA Elder Advisor
George Smith, SCCA Elder Advisor
In this Section
- Forestry Land Use Overview
- 2023: Sunshine Coast Forest Landscape Planning Pilot Project (FLP)
- 2023-09-18 SCCA-ECA Premier Ltr. Mt. E Watershed Logging
- 2023-09-15: SCCA_ECA esponse to BCTS Final Polar Report MtE.South Watershed Assessment
- 2023-06-29: MOF response to SCCS-MSTS TSR Comments
- 2023-03: SCCA-ECA comments on BCTS Mt. Elphinstone Phase 1&2 Hydrology Study
- 2023-05-01: SCCA-MSTS Timber Supply Review (TSR) Submission
- 2022-03-18 SCCA Submission on BC Timber Sales (BCTS) 22-26 Operating Plans
- 2022 Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Review (TSR) Data Package
- 2022 SCCA Comments on BC Watershed Security Strategy and Fund
- 2021 Visual Quality Objectives (VQO)
- 2021 shishalh-BC Land Use Plan
- 2016 Ungulate (Goat) Winter Range
- 2015-2021 Changes to Environmental Laws in BC
- 2012 Forest Stewardship Plans
- 2008 Strategic Land Use Planning
- 2004 Landscape Unit Planning
- 2001 Timber Supply Review (TSR) Analysis