The Friends of Gospel Rock Society held their annual general meeting on March 26. The new board consists of six members: Patricia Braithwaite (Chair), Brad Benson, Lee Haffner, Catherine McManus, Suzanne Senger, and George Smith. The contributions of outgoing board members Janet Genders, Jan Schuks, and Lola Westell were noted with sincere appreciation.
The new streamlined board plans to keep building on the recent positive steps taken by Gibsons Council to eliminate waterfront housing from the Neighbourhood Plan and to increase environmental protections. The board pledged to support the strongly expressed sentiments of the community for a responsible, sustainable Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan by working with Gibsons Council, the residents of Gibsons and Area E, and the property owners to ensure it results in a reality we can all be proud of.
Also in the works is a plan for a summertime party celebrating the Rock, including an official photo opportunity.