BC Parks has initiated a 30 day consultation period to bring our community’s input on the future of the Tetrahedron Park and our Watershed to Minister George Heyman.
Over 175 community members overflowed out the doors of the Seaside Centre to participate in the first open house on Wednesday, May 2nd, despite the inadequate and short notice. They are planning on hosting another open house in the last week of May – stay tuned for details or check their BC Parks website.
In the meantime, please share your thoughts by contacting:
Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategy: George Heyman
ENV.Minister@gov.bc.ca 250.387.1187
Powell River – Sunshine Coast MLA: Nicholas Simons
nicholas.simons.mla@leg.bc.ca 604.741.0792
Your SCRD Area Director – find their contact information here
And directly with BC Parks staff: bcparks.planning@gov.bc.ca.
You can also send your comments online to BC Parks here.
Read on for more information, and see links below for our SCCA briefing documents. Please share with your friends and networks!