Water Supply Update for Businesses on the Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre extends the following invitation:

Join the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD), the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization (SCREDO) and Sunshine Coast Tourism (SCT) for a virtual water update for local businesses on July 12, 2023, at 9:00am. Get updated on water supply conditions and learn where to find information throughout the summer. There will be a short presentation from the SCRD and time to ask questions.

The virtual session will include:

  • An overview of community water challenges
  • Update on drought conditions in BC and on the Sunshine Coast
  • An introduction to the SCRD’s new water webpage
  • What businesses can expect during severe drought that results in Stage 4 water conservation regulations
  • Question period

All are welcome, and encouraged, to join for this informative session using the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89426804655?pwd=SDZCU3FIWEROSGRZemVoWEZZMjdQdz09

For those unable to attend the session, the conversation will also be made available for viewing at: https://www.scrd.ca/water-updates.


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