
SCRD Board to Revisit Chapman Expansion

Concerned citizens filled the gallery at the SCRD offices for the February 8th Board meeting, where the Board discussed the letter sent from the District of Sechelt to the SCRD, “requesting that all reasonable and expeditious measures be taken to secure an expanded water supply on behalf of the District of Sechelt taxpayers and citizens.”

A more fulsome discussion to re-evaluate the Comprehensive Regional Water Plan (CWRP) and the proposal to blast a trench to allow for more draw-down of Chapman Lake is now planned to take place at an upcoming special standing committee meeting on March 1st.

If you share the SCCA’s concerns for the health of Chapman Lake and the sustainability of our water supply, please consider attending the upcoming SCRD meeting – we will post details on the upcoming discussions here. Stay tuned, or sign up for our enews to be sure you’re in the loop.

In this Section

Click here for the original agenda package for Feb 8th.
And here for the amended agenda.

See the post below for our SCCA Chapman Tetrahedron factsheet.

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