The SCCA continues to have concerns about how the Sechelt Community Forest operates. On June 9, 2009 the SCCA filed a Freedom of Information request to the District of Sechelt seeking information about raw-log exports, benefits to directors of the community forest company, wages, salaries, etc., of staff and employees (read the request ). The request was referred by the District of Sechelt to Sechelt Community Projects, Incorporated (SCPI – the community forest). SCPI answered the request on August 14, 2009. The SCCA felt that critical information was witheld from SCPI’s responce and filed a formal request for review (read the request ) with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. We are now waiting for the Commissioner’s investingation to conclude.
Our letter about using FOI requests to help bring the community forest corporation into the light of day was published in the Coast Reporter on September 11, 2009