CEAA Makes Participation Funding Available to the Public for Bute

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has made $250,000 available to support public participation in the panel review of Bute Hydro Corporation’s project in the Homathko, Orford and Southgate watersheds at the head of Bute Inlet. An independent Funding Review Committee will consider applications and make recommendations for distribution of the funding. See their press release .

According to the release “This funding is being made available to help successful applicants review and comment on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be prepared by the proponent. The funding may also be used to prepare for and participate in the public hearings that will be announced at a later date.”

The Sunshine Coast Conservation Association will apply for this funding and will work to involve our member groups and other citizen’s organizations in the review process.

For more information about applying for funding see the Guide to Public Participation Funding .

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