Please join us for our 2017 Annual General Meeting:
Thursday, June 1st, from 7 – 9 pm at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre
5714 Medusa Street, Sechelt

Coffee, tea and juice refreshments will be served.
Please bring a POTLUCK snack item to share (sweet or savoury treats).

If you are passionate about nature conservation and would like to contribute your time, energy and particular skills, please consider joining our team as a Director! 
In addition to attending monthly board meetings, there are a host of issues Directors can get involved with, according to their interests.  Please contact our Co-Chairs for more information: chair@thescca.ca, 604.886.3936 (Gayle) or 604.740.7983 (Rick).

If you were a member in 2016 and would like to have voting privileges at the AGM, please ensure your membership is up to date.  Memberships can be renewed at the AGM, or you can renew online.  NEW members must have been in good standing for at least 90 days before the AGM to have voting privileges.  To find out your membership status, contact: membership@thescca.ca.

As part of our transition to the new BC Societies Act, we will be updating our Constitution and Bylaws. Because we will be making some minor changes to improve wording, phrasing, and some content, we will be seeking member approval for the new draft.  You can view our current version here. Click this link for our new DRAFT Constitution and Bylaws.

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