SCCA Advocacy Summit 2010

rapt attentionEnvironmental advocates from all over the greater Sunshine Coast region gathered at Camp Byng in Roberts Creek on the Spring Equinox, March 20 and 21 for two days of fun, fellowship, networking and workshops.

Topics included personality types and small group dynamics, carrying the load and avoiding burnout, working with elected people, getting big-time help for your mission, campaign strategies and a case study of the Bute Inlet run-of -the-river project.

Photos from the Summit are here .

The SCCA gratefully acknowledges the support the Mountain Equipment Co-op and our ever-loyal local funders.   

Thank You to: 

  • Charles Dobson, keynote speaker, guide and source of sage advice 

  • Dr. Colin Campbell, banquet speaker

  • Workshop presenters Elizabeth McNeill, Claudia Ferris, Lee Ann Johnson, Donna Shugar and Nicholas Simons

  • Mark Lebbell and Sweet Cascadia, music

  • Photographers Brad Benson, David Moore, David Moul and Katie Janyk
  • Marcia Forst, extraordinary dining.

A big Thank You to all the volunteers that sprang into action whenever anything needed doing!

Finally, a special acknowledgement to Scouts Canada for making Camp Byng available for people to learn about citizen engagement. Scouts Canada has been teaching citizen engagement and environmental respect to young people at Camp Byng for over 80 years!

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