Below are the questions we posted to all candidates and links to their written responses.
In this Section
Question 1: Global Climate Change
Global climate change is the greatest environmental challenge ever recognized by human society. We are awash in dire warnings from the scientific community. We see enormous impacts around the world, including but not limited to drought, fire, severe storms, record high temperatures, famine, loss of species diversity, warming oceans, sea level rise, etc.
How do you see climate change affecting the Sunshine Coast and, as a local government official, what climate change related actions do you propose?*
*Please also consider the optional climate change accountability question from our event partner: the Georgia Strait Alliance.
Question 2: Sustainable Water Supply for the Sunshine Coast
Management of drinking watersheds has been controversial since the Sunshine Coast Regional District was created in 1967. Awareness of water issues has never been higher. The Tetrahedron Provincial Park was established in 1995 to protect our region’s largest source area of potable water and other values. A new SCRD project involves removal of the Park’s Class A status in order to more easily remove water from the Park. This is highly controversial.
What is your vision for achieving a sustainable water supply for our region?
Question 3: Adequate Environmental Regulation
Municipalities and Regional Districts in BC use Development Permit Area bylaws (DPAs) to protect environmental values and limit environmental impact from development. As well, development in or near fish bearing waterways are subject to the Riparian Area Regulations (RAR) of the Fish Protection Act.
Do you believe that the system of DPAs and riparian regulation, as currently used by municipalities and regional districts, is sufficient to protect our environment? If not, what would you change?
Question 4: Our Forested Environments
The Sechelt and Chapman Landscape Units have both been extensively logged in the past and logging continues to fragment these environments. Protection for at-risk species is sadly lacking. There are no designated Deer Winter Ranges and salmon returns have been either small or erratic. There is very little environmental regulation of private managed forest lands and very little protection for small water source areas.
1.) Would you be willing to support creation of a new Class A Park on Mount Elphinstone?
2.) Do you support the efforts of the District of Sechelt in conducting a public consultation about their Community Forest?
Optional Question 5 from Georgia Strait Alliance
The District of Sechelt has voted to join 13 other communities around BC and send Climate Accountability letters to the Carbon Majors. Will you commit to joining or furthering this work and protect taxpayers by seeking to recover a fair share of climate costs from the fossil fuel companies who profit from selling products that result in greenhouse gases? Specifically, if elected, would you ask your Council to:
a. Send Climate Accountability letters from your community to major fossil fuel producers demanding that they pay their fair share of local climate costs caused by their activities and products?
b. Press the province of BC to enact Liability for Climate-related Harms laws to give municipalities and others greater legal certainty, lower costs and timely resolutions if they sue to recover climate damages from fossil fuel companies?
c. Explore legal action against fossil fuel companies to recover a share of local climate costs?
The Green Bylaws Tool Kit, University of Victoria, Environmental Law Center; a summary of approaches to green bylaws in BC.
Striking a Balance, Office of the Ombudsperson; a review of governments oversite and enforcement of the RAR.
Understanding Biodiversity in Coastal Forested Landscapes, Sunshine Coast Conservation Association.
Climate Law in Our Hands – A Resource for Local Government Candidates BC Municipal Election 2018; a project of West Coast Environmental Law
Liability for Climate Related Harm Act, West Coast Environmental Law
Tetrahedron Park – Options for Re-Designation, BC Parks
Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR), Province of British Columbia
Sunshine Coast Community Forest – public consultation by District of Sechelt
Climate Solutions, David Suzuki Foundation.
Climate Change, Georgia Strait Alliance