Other News

“Eco” Rocks the Coast

26 September 2008

Sunshine Coast residents turned out on September 6 to help musician Simon Collins to film “Eco”–a song inspired by last summer’s watershed logging protests–in a clear cut near Trout Lake. Collins is known internationally for his music, but is locally known as the partner of Digital Debbi, freelance videographer. Debbi’s videos of watershed controversies have […]

Province Fails to Protect Marbled Murrelet

21 May 2008

The Forest Practices Board has released its finding on management of Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat under the Forest and Range Practices Act (see the press release below). This Special Investigation was the response of the FPB to the SCCA’s complaint in 2006 about Interfor’s Sunshine Coast Forest Stewardship Plan, which we alleged did not adequately manage and conserve […]

Wild Salmon Alliance Seeks End to Open Net-Pens

22 April 2008

Formed last January, the Wild Salmon Alliance (WSA) is fighting all levels of mismanagement of CanadaÂ’s saltwater fisheries on the West Coast of British Columbia. The litany of abuse includes: management based on political decisions made in Ottawa that are aimed at benefitting the bureaucracy rather than decisions based on good science to benefit fish […]

Independent Power Projects: Selling off BC’s Rivers

21 April 2008

In “Liquid Gold”, John Calvert claims the BC government has manufactured an energy crisis by claiming that the province will soon run out of energy. Calvert and many other authorities deny that the crisis exists and insist that other options have not been explored. Are we trading low-cost, publicly owned power for expensive privately- owned […]

Adapting to Climate Change

26 March 2008

The Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia has just released a landmark report, Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through the Conservation of Nature authored by economic and climate change experts, Sara J. Wilson and Richard J. Hebda. This report includes projected impacts of climate change on our ecosystems and conservation strategies to reduce those […]

Old Growth Forests: New Values

26 March 2008

A new paper released by the group ForestEthics at the Climate Change conference in Bali says that BC’s old growth forests are a hugely important source of stored carbon. For more information about Forest Ethics and a copy of the report (Carbon in the Bank – BC’s Forests and the Fight Against Global Warming) visit […]

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