Beautiful path in a forest during a vibrant summer day. Taken in Raft Cove Provincial Park, Northern Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

17. Old Growth Management Areas of the SCNRD


Which Landcape Units in the SCNRD have legal Old Growth Management Area plans? Let's take a look…

Legal OGMA’s in the SCNRD Non Legal OGMA’s in the SCNRD
Howe Howe
Chapman Chapman
Salmon Inlet Salmon Inlet
Sechelt Sechelt
Lois Texada
Jervis Cortes
Brittain Bunster
Powell Lake Homfray
Bunster Haslam
Skwawka Jervis
Powell Daniels Homathko
Bute East
Bute West

Note that the OGMAs are mostly small and isolated. As well, in the low elevation subzones, most of the OGMAs are not old growth at all as there isn’t enough left to meet the LU Plan retention target of 8%.

Forest inventory combined with ecosystem classification shows us that:

It is physically impossible to protect the natural diversity of plant communities and ecological processes on such a small land base as that currently provided by the LU Plans and Provincial Parks of our Natural Resource Districts. 

You can view established Landscape Unit Plans of the SCNRD on the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations web page.

Click the blue box above to view a list of pages in this section of the website.

Glossary of Terms

Biomass: refers to the total amount of organic matter (i.e., anything that comes from plants and animals). 

Biogeoclimatic (BEC) Zone: the classification system used to identify an area based on the dominant type of vegetation, climate, and soil characteristics at its climax 

Climax Old-Growth: the final stage of a forest stand when left undisturbed by humans 

Biogeoclimatic Zone Abbreviations

  • AT: Alpine Tundra
  • BG: Bunchgrass
  • BWBS: Boreal White and Black Spruce
  • CDF: Coastal Douglas-Fir
  • CWH: Coastal Western Hemlock
  • ESSF: Engelmann Spruce - Subalpine Fir
  • ICH: Interior Cedar - Hemlock
  • IDF: Interior Douglas-Fir
  • MH: Mountain Hemlock
  • MS: Montane Spruce
  • PP: Ponderosa Pine
  • SBPS: Sub-Boreal Pine - Spruce
  • SBS: Sub-Boreal Spruce
  • SWB: Spruce - Willow - Birch

Landscape Units of the SCNRD

  • Bishop
  • Brem
  • Brittain
  • Bunster
  • Bute East
  • Bute West
  • Chapman
  • Cortes
  • Haslam
  • Homathko
  • Homfray
  • Howe
  • Jervis
  • Lois
  • Narrows
  • Quatam

Biogeoclimatic Subzone Codes

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